IRISnet is an Interchain Service Hub for next-gen dApps. It built using the Cosmos SDK and through collaborative efforts from open-source developers within the Cosmos ecosystem.

Initially funded by the Interchain Foundation, IRISnet was the first network to establish IBC connections with the Cosmos Hub. Apart from IBC, IRISnet also supports EVM, NFT, iService modules, and many other modules that facilitate the development of interchain dApps. It empowers dApps by providing seamless interoperability across major public chains and on-and-off-chain systems.

Distribué automatiquement à chaque bloc
Downtime: 0.01%
Doublesign: 5%
Déflationniste sur la base de la participation au staking
Période de déliaison de 21 jours
Nouvelle délégation requise


Besoin d’aide pour déléguer ? Notre guide de staking pour IRISnet est là pour vous aider.

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