FIRMACHAIN originally aimed to transfer all paper based social and legal activities onto the blockchain to introduce transparency and prevent document tampering and forgery. Maintaining the fundamental value of trust, the FIRMACHAIN team is now turning its gaze to becoming a comprehensive blockchain platform.

Our goal is to provide business entities and FIRMACHAIN holders with useful blockchain based services that are useful yet fun to engage with thereby satisfying the team’s goal to become a ‘Utilitainment’ (Utility + Entertainment) platform.

Distribué automatiquement à chaque bloc
Downtime: 0.01%
Doublesign: 5%
Déflationniste sur la base de la participation au staking
Période de déliaison de 21 jours
Nouvelle délégation requise


Besoin d’aide pour déléguer ? Notre guide de staking pour FIRMACHAIN est là pour vous aider.

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