
What is AssetMantle?

AssetMantle is a multi-tenant NFT marketplace framework that enables creators and collectors to securely mint, own, and trade digital assets on its fast-finality blockchain.

The AssetMantle no-code toolset enables creators to permissionlessly create customized assets and marketplaces.

Collectors can own the assets minted across these marketplaces and compatible chains in a singular wallet that can be transacted with minimal gas and a lower carbon footprint.

Built on the interNFT standard, AssetMantle implements an end-to-end stack of open-source modular tools that developers can modify to fit advanced use cases.

Vision of AssetMantle

Build an open-source, community-driven framework for interchain NFTs and metadata standardization by contributing to interNFT standard.

Mission of AssetMantle

Provide a platform that enables a diverse set of NFTs use cases that extend beyond arts and collectables and can potentially change the representation of rights and ownership of real-world assets like real estate and other commodities.

Distribué automatiquement à chaque bloc
Downtime: 0.01%
Doublesign: 5%
Déflationniste sur la base de la participation au staking
Période de déliaison de 21 jours
Nouvelle délégation requise


Besoin d’aide pour déléguer ? Notre guide de staking pour AssetMantle est là pour vous aider.

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